Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I am a cheerleader, a cheer sport shark(the gym i go to) ;) I have been in cheer for three years now, and I was in dance since i was about four, which really helped me!
I can do anything from back walk overs to back tucks, and front tucks(back flip and front flip).
Cheerleading is a very fun, and entertaining thing to do! A lot of people think that cheerleading is not a aport, I'm not so sure my self either. People also think that it is all preppy girls who stand there and shout!
Cheer is much more than that, if cheerleading was like that I probably wouldn't be in it!
In cheerleading there is a routine, about 3-5 minutes long, it requires about seven sections/parts. There are usually about 25 to 35 people on a team, on the lower levels come times theres only about 5 to 15!
1.Opening, 2.partner stunts, 3.tumbling, 4. pyramid, 5. band cheer, 6.dance, 7.a optional partner stunt
The opening usually will include some motions, stunting and tumbling. The opening in my routine this year includes a lot of tumbling, I do a kart-wheel backhand spring tuck and then my motions.The opening is very important, the team should be trying there best because if it looks sloppy the judges, will have a bad impression of the team!
Next is the partner stunts, which are stunts featuring four to five people, or more depending on the group. There are many different types of stunts from very beginner to advanced. When you are first starting cheerleading you do thing like thigh stands and double base, but as you move on to higher teams you do things like: extensions, limbs, fulls, baskets, twist ups... and on and on!

Now we have tumbling, for your tumbling sections its mostly just tumbling the whole time, and the coaches will throw in some motions. Again there are many different skills in tumbling depending on your level. In more advanced, the teams will be doing a lot of back handsprings and tucks, on the even higher teams you'll see a lot of fulls and halfs and layouts.

There is also the pyramid, this is the thing that most people know or have reconized in a cheer routine! Its easy to remember because it looks like a triangle/pyramid!

The band cheer, is the cheer that was said at the very beginning its the gyms cheer, every gym has there own different cheer, that the audience cheers along with the team. The band cheer changes every year.

Finally the dance its pretty clear that in the dance, you dance! (; The dance is another important part of the routine, because it shows the judges how hard you try and how sharp and neat you are.
At the end of the routine, depends on how many days the competition is, there is the awards ceremony. Thats were you find out your places, when you get back home and you have your practice after the competition you find out where you went wrong and how to improve.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I never knew there was so much to cheerleading, and you're right I didn't think it was a sport, I now know it is! It seems like a very busy thing to be doing! Remember that when you're saying "a" before a word beginning with a vowel to use "an," other than that I think that your blog was very good, and it was interesting to learn all of the parts of cheer routine.
