Its a brown Kincaid saddle, I think its really cheap and everyone always says "ohhhh its just perfect for a starter saddle!".

But to me its like a terrible saddle with no seat! There are many, many reasons why I dislike this saddle, I will name a couple. First of all its very uncomfortable, second its really hard on my horses back, third of all the knee rolls are barely there and don't work and last of all my girth doesn't fit on this saddle only of course!
The saddle is clearly uncomfortable, it has very little padding in it and the leather is not worked in with makes my life harder!! the saddle also tends to be really hard on my horses back, I don't exactly remember what this thing is called but it sits on her shoulders. I also mentioned that the knee rolls are a flat a pancake, what was the point of putting them on? Just to make people fly out of the saddle I guess! And lastly my girth doesn't even do up because the saddle is so messed up!
In result to this mistake of a beautiful saddle, I'm returning it to get a new one! Which makes this blog quite pointless and just like i'm giving up, but i'm not! Its just to frustrating to ride, when riding is suppose to be a calmer and its suppose to make you happy! Which in my case its the total opposite!
Life lesson: The first thing you try isn't always the best, and maybe not the second but you need to just keep trying!!
i commented on Georgia's blog but it did not work so heres the comment
Its about SUNDAYS!
Good job Georgia it was really good, but maybe next time you could make it a little bit longer, and say more reasons why you don't like Sundays, because you kept getting off topic!! You are right... i don't like sundays that much either because schools the next day. I loved your life lesson, keep up the good work!
thats terrible I hate haveing to wair uncumfertible sanddles it drives me crasy