Wednesday, May 26, 2010

K is for Kemur Camp

Keith + Murry =... Kemur... Kemur Camp!!
Soooo i decided to write about Kemur Camp!
I have been going to Kemur since i was eight. I love it at Kemur, reuniting with friends and making new friends. Thats actually where I met Emilie Vos last year, Kate Carter about three years ago and Jenny about four years ago!
My first year of Kemur four years ago was great, I met so many new friends. I remember my first week of Kemur, the first time I had actually ridden a horse in a "lesson" it was great. And I had my very own pony for the week! Her name was scarlet, she was an amazing animal to me, all I ever wanted to do was be with her! Have you ever felt that? Like you love something so much you never want to let it go! So why don't I tell you something really good about Kemur Camp, you don't even need to bring a friend you'll always meet people there! I had so much fun my first week of Kemur, I convinced my parents to go another week! Leaving wasn't easy especially leaving Scarlet And off I went the rest of the summer flew by and I was back at Kemur. My second week at Kemur i rode the Kemur classic pony, Flash!
After my first year of course, I went back for another. I had to wait all summer, which felt like 10 years! When to Kemur of my second summer, I met Kate and Jenny ... I think unless it was my first year! So I rode a fat little pony called Willy, he was an amazing pony. Well he was actually really stubborn at first, but i just kept trying with him. That week flew by like nothing, but it was defiantly enough to make me go back for more!
The next year when I came back, my first week of that summer there was great and then I went the last week of the summer. WORST WEEK OF MY LIFE!! I anded up having to leave in the middle of the week, and i had to go to the hospital!! I was very sick and people thought I was dyeing from maple leaf food poisoning. But I didn't want to miss my week of Kemur so, I went back on Thursday for the last night or two!
Sorry for skipping things but, the next year I went to Kemur I had to go back to the hospital for a cat scan!
I have now been going to Kemur for four years, I think! I love Kemur Camp and hopefully I will be a counsellor one day!


Life Lesson: Try new things, make new friends and be brave!
I commented on Emilie Vos's blog

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